I use Testcontainers for writing integration tests for my APIs.
In particular, the tests concerning DBs - migrations, SQL queries.

Currently, I replacing Docker with Podman as the preferred tool for managing Containers.

Eventually, I stumbled upon the problem of configuring Testcontainers with Podman on my local machine. Here is what I discovered during the process of migration from Docker to Podman, with respect to Testcontainers:

Problem Link to heading

Testcontainers implicitly use Docker as the default container runtime. Thus, the library acts as a Docker API client.

Solution Link to heading

  1. We do not need to make any changes on the application code layer.
  2. We need to set the following 2 envvars in order to seamless switch from Docker to Podmangit:
# only for rootless Podman.

# configure Docker API clients to use Podman for running containers.
$ export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$(podman machine inspect --format '{{.ConnectionInfo.PodmanSocket.Path}}') 


References Link to heading