Hey !

This week I worked on implementing a method for finding the range of a function in a given domain. Following from last weeek’s research on the same, I tried to develop these utility functions.

Implementation Link to heading

Here, I have defined the two functions along with some of their implementation details:

continuous_in(f, x, interval)

The function returns the sub-domains as an Union of Interval in case a discontinuity exists in the interval. If the function is continuous in the entire domain, the interval itself is returned.

For this we need to consider 2 primary conditions:

  • Domain constraints for real functions I have also added some code for domain constraints in sqrt and log functions. Using the solve_univariate_inequality method (as the name suggests, it solves univariate inequalities), we calculate these constraints.
    Given f(x) = sqrt(g(x)), we determine the range of values of x for which the function g(x) >= 0.
    Similarly, for f(x) = log(g(x)), the interval of x in which g(x) > 0 is the constrained interval.

  • Singularities For determining the discontinuities, I tried to solve the reciprocal of the given function using solveset: solveset(1/f, x, interval). The singularities function can also be used here but its implementation is restricted to rational functions only. There are possibilities of improving this function to create a universal function which returns all the possible singularities of the function in a given domain.

function_range(f, x, domain)

Like the name suggests, this method returns the range of a univariate function in a given domain. This function is primarily designed for the purpose of solve_decomposition.

This function calls the above implemented continuous_in method for finding the actual domain of f. Following this, we iterate over each Interval object returned by continuous_in.

By using the boundaries of the interval and first derivate test, we determine the crtical points in the interval and their corresponding critical values.

For determining the values of the function at the singularities, we determine its limit at that point. For this, I use the limit function of SymPy.

After calculating the local extremas, I calculate the global minima and maxima using the inf(infimum) and sup(supremum) of the FiniteSet of all critical values. The range, which is the Interval of these extremasm, is returned.

$ git log Link to heading

PR#11141: Method for solving equations using Decomposition and Rewriting Opened this week
PR#11224: Methods for finding the range of a function in a given domain

Final Thoughts

That was all for this week.
My task for the upcoming days would be to update my solve_decomposition method to accomodate these methods. I aim to get all these PR merged before the midterm evaluation.